At Hotel Senhora do Castelo, we adapt to our customers' needs and aim to offer you the utmost comfort. Therefore, we provide a complimentary and exclusive shuttle service between Hotel Senhora do Castelo and the cities of Mangualde or Viseu, available by prior reservation.

More information

How to use shuttle service?
How to use shuttle service?

To get to the hotel

1st step

With a minimum of 48 hours before your arrival in Mangualde or Viseu, call the hotel and make the transport reservation, informing the time and place of arrival.

2nd step

On the day of your arrival, call the hotel to confirm your arrival and where you are. Wait for your transport to arrive. There may be a waiting period of up to 30 minutes.

Staying at the hotel

1st step

Contact the hotel reception and check the check-out times. Choose the schedule that best suits you and wait for transport in the lobby of the hotel, one of our collaborators will inform you about the arrival of transport.

2nd step

To return to the hotel, call reception to confirm that you are at the designated place for the return. Wait for your transport to arrive. There may be a waiting period of up to 30 minutes.

Operating hours of the service

Every day per week, weekends and holidays.
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m..

Conditions of use

- Maximum 6 people per trip.
- Waiting time up to 30 minutes.
- Transport of animals allowed (in arms or in cage).
- Luggage limit per passenger: Limited (inform hotel).

Information and reservations

+351 232 619 950 (called national fixed network).
+351 912 225 090 (called national fixed network).